Library Information Page

Library Hours

Monday-Friday:  8:00am-4:30pm


Library Services
Students may come to the library to use the computers, checkout materials, or work. The library offers a bank of MAC computers for quick question research or looking up library materials in the catalog. There is a lounge, complete with comfy sofas and individual comfy chairs for reading, studying and meeting with fellow students. Digital scanner, a copy machine, and black and white printer are also available for students needing printing services.   

Teachers may come to the library for any of the same services as students. Teachers also have access to our supplementary resources and teacher materials.
Library Materials Checkout Policies
Students may checkout up to 5 items for 3 weeks at a time. Renewals include an additional 3 weeks beyond the original due date. There is no late fee for returning books past their due date so please be responsible and return them on time for others to use.
Your current student photo ID card serves as your library card. It is required to check out any library book, textbook, computer or other class material.
If you lose your student ID card, you can go to the Financial Office to pay $5.00 for a replacement and then come to the Library Circulation Desk during lunch to have your new ID card printed.
Student Loaner Program
What is the student loaner program? When a student forgets materials at home and needs to borrow a Chromebook, a computer charger, or even a textbook for the day, Mrs. Cooper checks out materials needed and changes the due date to the same day it is checked out. If a Chromebook is not returned the same day as borrowed, it is automatically marked as lost in the system therefore locking the student out of the borrowed Chromebook.
Borrowing chargers is different. A fine is added to the student record with a barcode stating charger. A $15 charge is added with a note in the comments with the date borrowed. Students are told at that time that when they return the charger they are to ask Mrs. Cooper to remove the charge for the borrowed charger. It is the student's responsibility to make sure they return the charger and have an adult remove the fine at the same time.
Textbook Materials Checkout Policies
As soon as you are finished using a textbook, or your teacher says you are finished using a textbook, please return it to the Circulation Desk before school, during lunch or after school as another student may need it.
Always bring your ID card to the library.

Lost Books and Fees
When a student loses or damages materials, such as textbooks, computers and/or library books, there are FOUR ways to make up for the loss:

1.  The student can pay for the materials.
2.  The student can replace the EXACT item by purchasing online searching by specific ISBN number.
3.  Make a monthly (reasonable) payment plan.
4.  The student can perform service to the school library in lieu of paying money.  "Wages" are set at current California minimum wage rate of $16.85 per hour.
All textbooks, calculators, and library books are due on or before the last day of school.