Protect our Pointers » A Word from our Coaches

A Word from our Coaches

"As a coach it is my goal to facilitate athletic successes, but it is my duty to ensure that all of my athletes are safe and healthy in the process.  This is impossible without a Certified Athletic Trainer. ATCs are an

essential element to a successful high school athletic program. Not only do they help to heal existing injuries, but they constantly work to: increase students' strength and flexibility, teach proper technical movements, educate our pupils about nutrition and rest, and coach students on methods of injury-prevention. Our Pointers don't know how to compete at a level less than 110%...and therefore they deserve the care and expertise of an Athletic Trainer."

                                                                  Alex Van Heuven

                                                                  Athletic Director

                                                           Track and Field Coach

                                                                  Sports Medicine Teacher

                                                                  Weight Room Coordinator

I’m very grateful for parental and community support for a trainer at PLHS, nothing is more important than the health and welfare of our student/athletes.”


                                                                  John Murphy, Women's Soccer Coach /Surf PE


"An Athletic Trainer is essential to the health and welfare for all our student athletes. Coaches are trained to teach, mentor and develop our student athletes, but coaches are not trained medical experts. Having a Certified Athletic Trainer gives our athletes a medical expert who is trained in treating sports injuries. As the Head Football Coach my most important staff member is my Athletic Trainer. I will not start a season without an a Certified Athletic Trainer. For the health and safety of our student athletes, it is a must for all sports."                                                    

                                                                  Mike Hastings, Head Football Coach


"The top priority should be the safety and health of our athletes.  Certified trainers are much better prepared then coaches or school staff to respond to all of the injuries that can occur in an athletic game or practice. For any athlete to sustain a permanent injury when a certified trainer could prohibit that should never take place.  PLHS deserves certified trainers." 

                                                                  David Aros, Girls' Varsity Basketball /Football Coach

We as coaches are there to mentor and take care of kids, the trainers are a big part of keeping the kids healthy and safe from injury during the game and practices and as a coach that is what is all about!"

                                                                  Tom Kamfonic, Softball Coach