Alumni Association - Membership
The Pointer Association is the official Alumni Association for PLHS. Membership in the Pointer Association makes it possible to maintain our support alumni and reuinion chairs. It is also your way of showing support for your school. Whether you are a parent of a student, an alumni, friend or neighbor of PLHS, your gift makes it possible to fund many enhancements the school, both in the classroom and extra programs to enhance the education of PLHS students.

It is easy to join! We will send you our Update newsletter to keep you apprised of what is going on at PLHS and if you provide us with an email address we will send you eblasts periodically to keep you up to date (you may opt out from email subscription at anytime). Click here to join.

Update your contact information, it's free and ensures your reunion chair can find you for your next reunion. Click here.