PLHS Unity Basketball Game @ Big Gym

PLHS Unity Basketball Game @ Big Gym
1/21/2016, 5:15 PM 6:30 PM
Main Gym

Alex Van Heuven

Set-up time 3:30 pm

Point Loma High School will be holding our first "Unity Basketball Game" on
January 21, 2016 at 5:15pm. This event will combine some of our current
basketball athletes with our special needs students who express interest in high
school athletics. The co-ed teams (Maroon vs. Gold) will play a game consisting
of four 10-minute quarters and a half-time show performed by our Unity Cheer

The game will be coached by selected Varsity student basketball players,
officiated by our PLHS Basketball coaching staff, and watched/supported by our
student body, parents, and community members.

There will be no fee to attend this event, but concessions and spirit wear will
be available for purchase.

Please plan to attend this event and show your support. Bring your families,
loved ones, and neighbors. It should be a great night!

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