Pointer Association fundraiser with Pizza Studio
- What
- Pointer Association fundraiser with Pizza Studio
- When
- 1/29/2016, 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Where
- 3640 Rosecrans St.
Pointer Association fundraiser with Pizza Studio Pizza Studio is excited about it's Grand Opening Celebration. From 3 - 7pm on Friday, January 29 and Saturday, January 30th pizza’s are $5 donation. All proceeds go to support Point Loma High School through the Pointer Association. Located at the corner of Rosecrans and Sports Arena, near PetSmart. No flyers are needed. All pizza donations made between 3-7pm on Thursday and Friday will be donated to PLHS Pointer Association.
Proceeds will be distributed through the PA - 50% to Academic needs, 25% each to Art Booster Director & Athletics Booster Director for those particular needs.
- Pizza Studio Fundraiser.pdf 1.41 MB