Enrollment procedure for 2025-2026 school year
The first step to enroll a student at Pt. Loma High School is to verify your address at the following site and confirm we are your neighborhood school: https://www.sandiegounified.org/schools/school_finder
Once your residency has been established, please email us at:
[email protected] and [email protected] with your student’s name, grade, and school they are coming from, so we can set up an enrollment appointment.
Enrollment for the 25-26 school year is happening now until June 18th, 2025. We will not be accepting walk-in same day appointments. Please note that, enrollment appointments will not reopen until July 28th, 2025. No enrollments will happen from June 19th to July 27th as the PLHS enrollment office will be closed for the summer. Make your appointment ASAP!
Below are the items you will need for your appointment.
- Birth certificate
- Immunizations Record
- Proof of residency (utility bill or Lease agreement)
- Unofficial transcript from last school of attendance
- Copy of IEP or 504 (if applicable)
- Point Loma Enrollment packet (forms can be downloaded below or you can also pick up the forms at the front office before your appointment date.
- Enrollment Form
- Home Language Survey
- Health Information Exchange Consent Form
- Universal Form - Parent Authorization
- Enrollment Form
- Home Language Survey
- Health Information Exchange Consent Form
- Universal Form - Parent Authorization
Additional Information regarding free and reduced lunch is below:
Course Sequencing
Thank you.