Jose Cisneros » Spanish 3 4 syllabus

Spanish 3 4 syllabus

Point Loma High School

Mr. Cisneros’ course syllabus

Spanish 3 & 4  

[email protected]

School phone: (619) 860-5000


Hello students! Welcome! My name is Mr. Cisneros. I will be your Spanish 3 & 4 instructor for the 2024-2025 School year. It is a pleasure to have you in my class and be part of the language learning community. We will focus on learning and advancing on: Spanish grammar, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and culture. Here is what you need to know:



Text book: Avancemos 2 

Materials: Notebook (100 pages preferred), line paper, pen or pencil. Computer if requested 

Note: There will be a Google classroom as well to put resources, and possibly some assignments or tests. Also there will be a Text book PDF link will be posted on Google classroom as well as the syllabus.


Course Description:

Spanish 3, 4 is intended to develop the student’s acquisition of Spanish. In adherence to the California State Framework and the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning, the course uses a communicative approach to learning and emphasizes the mastery of all four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course is based on the ACTFL National Standards, which stress: Communication, Connections, Communities, Comparisons, and Cultures.


Course Requirements and Policies:



It is imperative that students attend class to not fall behind. Missing class can negatively impact a student’s academic grade. Please speak to the appropriate staff member if attendance is an issue.


Late and missing work: Students will be responsible for making up all the missed class work. All make up work will be due depending on the number of days absent with a maximum limit of 5 days (one week) to make up the work. Students absent on the day of an exam, quiz or presentation are required to make up work the next day during class or at another time arranged by teacher and student in advance.  



Being tardy to class numerous times can lower your citizenship grade. There are no make-ups for tardies in my class for now. If you are tardy, do not interrupt the class. Present your late pass to the teacher, take a seat and ask your neighbor what we are doing.



Homework is usually unfinished class assignments. It should be completed on the day it is due, which most likely will be the next day.




Grading Scale: 0-4 Standard Based Grading. 


4= A = 88%-100 %

3= B = 75%-87%

2= C= 60%-74%

1= D= 40%-59%

0= F= 39% or lower


Grading Policy:  Academic grades are based on exams, quizzes, oral and written projects, homework, Oral participation in discussions and in answering questions, as well as the student’s willingness to use Spanish will have a direct impact on academic grades.  The grading policy is as follows:


Assessments (tests / quizzes / presentations / etc.): 60%

Work (classwork / homework / other): 40%



-       Students must score below 74% to be eligible for retaking an assessment.

-       Some retakes can include fixing the incorrect answers.

-       Not all tests can be retaken. Ask the teacher if your test is eligible for a retake.

-       It is up to the student to contact the teacher about the retake date/time.

-       Retakes will not be given during the last week of a grading period.

-       There is no extra credit so retaking a test can help you bring up your grade. 


Access to Grades:

All grades can be seen on Gradebook. Revisit the gradebook page to keep track of how you are doing in class.


Cheating: Each student is responsible for his or her own work, so any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and  a “U” in citizenship for that grading period and a call to parents. The cheating policy (in the Hoover handbook) applies to all assignments and tests.


Cell Phones: “Can only be used for educational purposes" and when given permission by teacher only. There is “No, Zero, Nada” permission to use a cell phone during classroom lecture for any other reason. Disciplinary action will be taken if cell phone  rules are violated. Playing with your phones will lower your citizenship grade. If cell phones become a major problem, other measures will be taken such as collecting cell phones at the door as they enter.  


Restroom: With teacher permission only. No permission for the first and last 10 min of class.

One student at a time, with pass only. You also need a pass to go to the office, nurse, library, etc...

- Please don't ask to go to the bathroom when I'm in the middle of a lesson. That is disruptive.

Classroom behavior and rules: 

All students are to follow and abide the PLHS and School district school’s expectations and policies. My classroom rules must be followed at all times as well during lecture to have a successful school year experience. No intention to disrupt class, no use of bad language, and no sleeping. Each discipline incident will be handled on a case by case basis, resulting in student teacher conference, parent contact, or referral to counseling. I am open for restorative justice, but students must meet half ways in order to fix the issue in a positive manner.