Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2011-12 school year at Point Loma High School. Our desire is to help each student become a life-long learner and, through the course of high school, learn the academic, social, and workplace skills to allow them to compete successfully in the 21st century global world.
We will continue using a creative bell schedule in order to provide focused intervention time for mentoring, tutoring, and study halls during the school day. We will also have an early release (1:35 p.m.) on most Thursdays for our staff to participate in professional development time with colleagues onsite and with teachers from Correia. We continually seek ways to engage students in relevant and challenging learning while making the transition to high school the most successful experience possible for all students.
We will continue to
  • Provide freshmen the opportunity to learn transition skills necessary for life in high school through freshman link and introductory wheel courses
  • Create challenging academic courses which encourage excitement about learning and instill a desire for the pursuit of learning
  • Incorporate personal connections to school for every student by providing extensive athletic, visual & performing arts programs, a myriad of club choices and supportive learning communities
  • Build upon our parent and community involvement that supports students and enlarges their view of the world.
Three major facilities will be built on our campus as a result of the passage of Prop S. A new two-story building will take the place of the bungalows. It will house 6 classrooms and an athletic training facility. The 900 building will be turned into a state-of-the-art Music Center on the upper floor and an incredible Motion Picture Studio on the lower.
Point Loma High School is the school it is today because of incredible community support. Many give generously in time, talents and donations; dedicated teachers commit to high academic standards; and inspired students willingly connect to their school and their community. With our dedicated staff, parents and community we will continue to provide opportunities for our students to reach well beyond the walls of the classroom.
Thank you for allowing us the privilege and honor of working with your students and for all you do to support and encourage our staff and students as we work together to Engage, Empower, and Educate our Students for the 21st Century.
With best wishes
Bobbie Samilson